Phone case

Consumer goods | Mobile Phones


Product designers and manufacturers increasingly rely on thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) material solutions to produce and deliver highly durable and high-quality soft touch parts. Compared to the thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) materials traditionally used for soft-touch manufacturing, TPEs offer better resistance to warpage and fatigue, as well as better protection against UV, chemical, and oil exposure.


<ul> <li style='padding-left: 0.75em;text-indent: -0.75em;'>&#8226; Broad tactile properties with superior touch and feel</li> <li style='padding-left: 0.75em;text-indent: -0.75em;'>&#8226; Broadest operating temperature range from -45°C to 150°C</li> <li style='padding-left: 0.75em;text-indent: -0.75em;'>&#8226; High tear and abrasion resistance</li> <li style='padding-left: 0.75em;text-indent: -0.75em;'>&#8226; High fatigue endurance after 255 compression cycles</li> </ul>

