LED module frame

Automotive | Exterior | Automotive Lighting


Our products give high stiffness, low moisture uptake and the lowest vibration amplitudes. It has a low post molding shrinkage and is the best in class solution.


<ul> <li style='padding-left: 0.75em;text-indent: -0.75em;'>&#8226; Ultra high dimensional stability and low outgassing</li> <li style='padding-left: 0.75em;text-indent: -0.75em;'>&#8226; Excellent fatigue and extreme high stiffness</li> <li style='padding-left: 0.75em;text-indent: -0.75em;'>&#8226; Low glare risk and optimal IIHS ratings</li> <li style='padding-left: 0.75em;text-indent: -0.75em;'>&#8226; Sunload protection and extra cooling performance</li> </ul>

Speciality products

Arnite® A